Round two of Atcore Testing

It has been about two weeks since I last wrote about AtCore. In that time Tomaz has commited a few changes that allow us to use a plugin system so that AtCore can specialize in speaking your firmware!? Or something like that. Really what It means is that we should be able to keep most all of the common stuff within the AtCore object and use the plugins to give us firmware specific stuff when needed.

Did someone say Test?.

The test is pretty stright foward and that is to evaulate how well AtCore is doing at sending print commands to the printer to do this really we just need to be able to print an object that takes some amout of time.

Late nights printing tiny pyramids

I’ve been awake all night watching this thing print is working as expected. First I had to find a decent model to print and I came across this cool Fractal pyramid

Model by ricktu



Mandatory hardware pictures ?

Two computers.. one to record and play host while the other keeps my sanity durring the nights print.It would be along print the slicer estimates the print to take around 5 hours. Ok time for the mandatory hardware pictures of stuff Check out the computer that will be hosting the printer and recording video for later.In this Set up we will have

chairs eyeview

Two cameras extruder cam and an overview cam. Sadly my 3rd camera didn’t want to play along it was

time for a new floor?

just unable to get a decent focus on the printer LCD so we will have to go without this time.


 Watch the Timelapse video ….7 hours later…..

After 7 hours of printing we have it completed. The Best part i have saved for last when printing



i have used glow in the dark filiament. To quickly charge up the glowing i have placed



the model between the lights of some very bright led lamps. Unfortunately the Camera didn’t do such a great job picking up the detail with the model glowing in the dark



So how did we do?

Well the print was a success! The RAM usage was a bit high for my liking but is most likey due to our text log. We will do further tests to check that. The Firmware Plugin for Repitier seams to be printing stabily for any lenght print I would call that a success!



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